Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

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Mozart effect–Shmozart effect: A meta-analysis
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Jakob PietschnigCorresponding Author Contact Information, a, E-mail The Corresponding Author, Martin Voraceka and Anton K. Formanna

a University of Vienna, Faculty of Psychology, Austria

Received 21 August 2009;
revised 9 March 2010;
accepted 12 March 2010.
Available online 21 April 2010.


The transient enhancement of performance on spatial tasks in standardized tests after exposure to the first movement “allegro con spirito” of the Mozart sonata for two pianos in D major (KV 448) is referred to as the Mozart effect since its first observation by Rauscher, Shaw, and Ky (1993). These findings turned out to be amazingly hard to replicate, thus leading to an abundance of conflicting results. Sixteen years after initial publication we conduct the so far largest, most comprehensive, and up-to-date meta-analysis (nearly 40 studies, over 3000 subjects), including a diversity of unpublished research papers to finally clarify the scientific record about whether or not a specific Mozart effect exists. We could show that the overall estimated effect is small in size (d = 0.37, 95% CI [0.23, 0.52]) for samples exposed to the Mozart sonata KV 448 and samples that had been exposed to a non-musical stimulus or no stimulus at all preceding spatial task performance. Additionally, calculation of effect sizes for samples exposed to any other musical stimulus and samples exposed to a non-musical stimulus or no stimulus at all yielded effects similar in strength (d = 0.38, 95% CI [0.13, 0.63]), whereas there was a negligible effect between the two music conditions (d = 0.15, 95% CI [0.02, 0.28]). Furthermore, formal tests yielded evidence for confounding publication bias, requiring downward correction of effects. The central finding of the present paper however, is certainly the noticeably higher overall effect in studies performed by Rauscher and colleagues than in studies performed by other researchers, indicating systematically moderating effects of lab affiliation. On the whole, there is little evidence left for a specific, performance-enhancing Mozart effect.

Keywords: Mozart effect; Spatial ability; Publication bias; Meta-analysis

Jujur saya sangat kaget ternyata selama ini saya dibohongi alias jadi korban berita yang tidak bisa dipertanggung jawabkan ke benaranya alias hoax. Karena dari masih di dalam kandungan sampai usia 3 tahun lebih anak saya sering mendengarkan musik mozart dengan tujuan agar otaknya cerdas. Mengapa saya lakukan seperti ini karena sudah menjadi rahasia umum bahwa bahkan seolah-olah telah disepakati bahwa musik mozart membuat cerdas atau meningkatkan kecerdasan.

Namun setelah saya baca beritapada link diatas dan saya baca ringkasan penelitiannya di website resminya saya jadi kaget. Ternyata apa yang saya lakukan untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan otak anak melalui musik mozart ternyata sia-sia. Mulai sekarang saya akan cross check setiap informasi yang masuk apada saya walaupun informasi tersebut sudah seolah-olah disepakati khalayak umum. Prinsipnya saya tidak mau dibodohi, saya tidak mau dibohongi lagi, dan saya tidak mau menjadi korban yang sama untuk ke dua kali. (#***#)

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